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We can all play a vital role in reaching the nations for Christ! Here are some opportunities for you to invest in the Kingdom of God, sowing seed in a ministry bearing proven fruit.


Thank you for partnering with Mission15 to plant churches

and win souls throughout the nations of Europe! 


Current INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES are listed below.


Account Info for European Transfers: 

IBAN: DE40 7116 0000 0504 2216 30


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At the moment the Europe office services 17 of the over 40 countries in Europe. The plan is to service all countries by the end of 2021. At the moment we have more requests for CP training and coaching than we can handle.


To be able to service the demand and growth in the future we are in the process to build a headquarter team. We need to hire a director of training, a director of translations and an office administrator.


Here we look for partners that would support one of the positions for a 5 year period. The cost per worker is 5,000 USD / 4,200 EUR per month.

Our network of churches is called "Kirche 365" (Church 365). We began with one church in 2002 and have since grown to four campuses in cities in southeastern Bavaria.


We are currently in preparations (Phase 1) to launch two new church campuses in another city. Our goal is to plant a church in every city of over 10,000 people that does not already have a church that preaches salvation.


The plan is to support 3 couples with 50% of their salary for 5 years. 50% would be 2,000 EUR per Month. Here we are looking for matching gifts of 1,000 EUR/month per couple.


The Lord has given Mission15 a large vision and from the early days of our ministry we have experienced that He is strategically speaking to individuals from other lands to come and help us. These people are ready to leave their home countries and families to serve God and build His Kingdom, but need the backing of those who will give to support them. We currently have several missionaries working in our ministry and are expecting more in the years to come. Monthly giving in any amount can help a willing soul fulfil their call and this ministry to grow and reach millions for Christ!

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